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Cyber Tester


    All hard copies of the mentioned documents are available upon request

                  E X T E N D E D   R E S U M E

Name/surname      Vladimir Bondarenko

Address           76 Zalesskaya Str, 29, Simferopol, Ukraine

Voice/Email       (380) 95 114 89 04 /

Expertise areas   Calculus, computer algebra, testing, programming

Profile           Creative applied mathematician / Can work from home / in-house
                  Algorithmic / heuristic solution finding
                  Black box/white box testing / debugging
                  Complex symbolic / numeric computations
                  Familiar with multidimensional integration
                  and Meijer G function theory
                  Documenting / Proofreading / Technical writing
                  Computational flair / Programming

Qualification     Graduate courses in mechanics of rigid bodies
                  Thesis is unfinished yet
                  Diploma in theoretical physics (B.S.)

Total experience  26 years

Former clients    Wolfram Research, Inc.
                  SciFace Software GmbH
                  Texas Instruments, Inc.
                  Soft Warehouse, Inc.
                  Tank Hill, Inc. 



   MuPAD Beta Contest First Prize winner (2002). Here is the official estimation
   of my work at the official site of SciFace Software GmbH, the MuPAD makers.

   Second and Third Prize winner of the 4 highest level USSR and Ukrainian
   Olympic school chemistry contests.
   Gold medalist (GPA = 4 of 4)
   Gold medalist - musical school (piano) 


C O M P U T E R   A L G E B R A   E X P E R I E N C E

CAS               LEVEL                       YEARS

Analytic          user                        1994
Axiom             user/tester                 1994,2004
Derive            advanced user/tester        1993-08
DoCon             user                        1994-95
Macsyma           user                        1994
Maple             advanced user/tester        1992-08
Mathematica       advanced user/tester        1998-08
Maxima            user/tester                 2004-08
MuPAD             user/tester                 1999-08
PARI/GP           user/tester                 1995-97
SAC               user                        1994-95
Reduce            advanced user/tester        1989-94
TI-Nspire         advanced user/tester        2007-08
XCAS              user/tester                 2005


T E S T I N G    E X P E R I E N C E

Product     Version/Build    Rel Date           Company

AXIOM        1.17.05
AXIOM       12.15.04
AXIOM           3.0 beta     11.30.04

Derive          6.10         10.15.04     Texas Instruments, Inc.
Derive          6.01          3.20.04     Texas Instruments, Inc.
Derive          6            10.08.03     Texas Instruments, Inc.
Derive          6 beta       11.07.03     Texas Instruments, Inc.
Derive          5.06 beta     3.12.02     Texas Instruments, Inc.
Derive          5.05         12.11.01     Texas Instruments, Inc.
Derive          5.04          4.11.01     Texas Instruments, Inc.
Derive          4.11          1.17.99     Soft Warehouse, Inc.
Derive          4.02         11.22.96     Soft Warehouse, Inc.
Derive          3.11         11.28.95     Soft Warehouse, Inc.
Derive          2.59         10.22.93     Soft Warehouse, Inc.
Derive          2.57          7.20.93     Soft Warehouse, Inc.
Derive          1.62          5.15.90     Soft Warehouse, Inc.

Maple 11    11.02/330022     11.09.07     Maplesoft, Inc.
Maple 10    10.06/255401     10.02.06     Maplesoft, Inc.
Maple 9.5    9.52/175529     12.17.04     Maplesoft, Inc.
Maple 9.5    9.51/163356      9.26.04     Maplesoft, Inc.
Maple 9.5    9.50/155251      4.07.04     Maplesoft, Inc.
Maple 9      9.03/141050     10.01.03     Maplesoft, Inc.
Maple 9      9.01/137227      7.09.03     Maplesoft, Inc.
Maple 8      8.01/119670      5.01.02     Maplesoft, Inc.
Maple 8      8.00/111221      5.10.02     Waterloo Maple Inc.
Maple 7      7.00/96223       5.28.01     Waterloo Maple Inc.
Maple V      6.01/79514       2.02.00     Waterloo Maple Inc.
Maple V         5.00         11.27.97     Waterloo Maple Inc.
Maple V         4.00a        12.15.95     Waterloo Maple Inc.
Maple V         3.0          10.01.94     Waterloo Maple Software

MathCAD          7            9.06.97     MathSoft, Inc.
MathCAD          6           11.03.95     MathSoft, Inc.

MuPAD           4.0           6.21.06     SciFace Software GmbH // download date
MuPAD           3.1          10.19.04     SciFace Software GmbH // download date
MuPAD           3 beta       10.28.03     SciFace Software GmbH // download date
MuPAD           2.5.2        12.11.02     SciFace Software GmbH // download date
MuPAD           2.5           1.20.02     SciFace Software GmbH // download date
MuPAD           2.0          12.17.01     SciFace Software GmbH // download date
MuPAD           1.4          11.04.98     SciFace Software GmbH // download date

Mathematica     6.0.1         6.19.07     Wolfram Research, Inc.
Mathematica     5.2           6.20.05     Wolfram Research, Inc.
Mathematica     5.1          10.25.04     Wolfram Research, Inc.
Mathematica     5.0.1        11.18.03     Wolfram Research, Inc.
Mathematica     5.0.0         6.11.03     Wolfram Research, Inc.
Mathematica     4.2.1         8.23.02     Wolfram Research, Inc.
Mathematica     4.2 beta      2.28.02     Wolfram Research, Inc.
Mathematica     4.1          11.03.00     Wolfram Research, Inc.
Mathematica     4.0           4.21.99     Wolfram Research, Inc.
Mathematica     3.0           5.14.97     Wolfram Research, Inc.
Mathematica     2.2           4.13.93     Wolfram Research, Inc.
Mathematica     1.2           9.27.89     Wolfram Research, Inc.

MATLAB R2008b     9.17.08     The MathWorks, Inc.

Maxima          5.9.1         9.24.04
Maxima          5.9.09 beta2  7.24.04

TI-Nspire       1.0.59 beta  17.10.06     Texas Instruments, Inc.

XCAS            0.5.0        12.02.04     XCAS

Internet sites                  Years   2005-08   Quantum computer algebra system     2003     2002      2002      2002     (teamwork)      2000     (teamwork)           2000     (teamwork)


C O M P U T E R    S K I L L S


IBM-compatible PC, Macintosh, ES-1066, ES-1045, ES-1022, MIR-3, MIR-2, M-222

OPERATING SYSTEMS                  LEVEL          YEARS

o UNIX FreeBSD                     user           2000-04
o Windows NT/2000/98/95/MS-DOS     user           1989-05
o MVTS                             user           1982-89
o MacOS System 6                   user           1981-82

LANGUAGE          LEVEL                           YEARS

o Ada             simple procedures               1991-92
o Algol           several screens long modules    1974-77
o APL             simple procedures               1990-91
o Analytic        several screens long modules    1994-95
o Assembly 8086   simple procedures               1986-87
o Basic           several screens long modules    1989-94
o C               several screens long modules    1994-96
o Derive          simple procedures               1993-05
o Forth           simple procedures               1992-93
o Fortran         several screens long modules    1974-89
o JavaScript      several screens long modules    2002-04
o HTML            several screens long modules    1998-04
o LISP            several screens long modules    1994-96
o Logo            simple procedures               1990-91
o Maple           several screens long modules    1994-05
o Mathematica     several screens long modules    1998-05
o MuPAD           several screens long modules    2001-05
o PARI/GP         simple procedures               1995-97
o Pascal          several screens long modules    1994-96
o PHP             several screens long modules    2002-04
o Prolog          several screens long modules    1993-94
o Reduce          simple procedures               1983-89


W O R K I N G     E X P E R I E N C E

October 2000-present      Independent contractor

  o Extending computational power of and identifying problems in
    Mathematica, Maple, MuPAD, and Derive computer algebra systems

May 2000-September 2000   QA Engineer/Tank Hill Ukraine

  o Black-box & white-box B2B web sites testing
  o Execution of forms, records and reports

1996-99                   Independent contractor

  o Extending computational power of and identifying problems in
    Mathematica, Maple, Derive, MuPAD, and MathCAD environments

1994-96                   Scientific Worker at R&D Center/Simferopol University

  o Exact n-dimensional integration

1993-95                   Independent contractor

  o Identifying problems in Derive, Maple, Reduce, and MathCAD environments
  o Identifying problems in ER2200T Ectaco Russian English talking dictionary

1982-89                   Research worker/Domain designing bureau

  o Symbolic/numeric computations for multi-/single mode optical waveguides



1989-1994   Graduate Study at Simferopol State University in mechanics of rigid

1976-1982   Undergraduate Study at Simferopol State University in theoretical
            physics (superconductivity/superfluidity)

1973-1976   Undergraduate Study at Crimean Medical Institute

B.S. in theoretical physics; the diploma work: 'n-Soliton Solutions Of The
Modified KdV Equation'.

Finished written examination, qualifying examination, Research 
Assistant and Teaching Assistant requirements for a Ph.D.
Thesis is needed to finish Ph.D.



2002-2003  -  Servers dedicated to automated testing, verification and validation
of computer algebra systems Cyber Tester, LLC Maple Bugs Encyclopaedia CAS Testing Org ................................................................................ Computer Algebra System Aided Evaluation Of Some Definite n-Fold Integrals With Undetermined n, 1995 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation Poster Session, Montreal, Canada Download PDF [291 Kb] Download ZIPped Postscript [72.3 Kb] Referee's # 1 comments Your research topic and the explicit formulas you present for n-fold multiple definite integrals and based on them those for definite summation are certainly rather unique. Nevertheless, if the formulae (1)... would have been proven, your results could be qualified as good for the mathematical data base extension of computer algebra systems. Indeed, the internal built-in algorithms, for example, in Maple are failed to compute the sums (I)-(X) of Sect.6. ................................................................................ On Fast High-Precision Evaluation Of Some Multi-Dimensional Integrals, 1995, International Workshop 'New Computer Technologies In Control Systems', Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia Download PDF [43.3 Kb] Download ZIPped Postscript [19.0 Kb] ................................................................................ Computer Algebra System As A Tool: Exact Evaluation Of Definite n-Dimensional Integrals With Undetermined A Priory Integer n, 1996, International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation Poster Session, Zurich, Switzerland Download PDF [132 Kb] Download ZIPped Postscript [43.3 Kb] Referee's # 3 comments for the author paper 020 You sent me an interesting paper on the subject of multiple integration. It turns out, as I suspected, that many of the integrals can also be obtained and generalized via Meijer G functions. ................................................................................ H U M A N L A N G U A G E S o English - fluent: colloquial/written o Russian - native o Ukrainian - native o Polish - mathematical basic o German - mathematical basic o French - mathematical basic In my opinion, good teamwork should be supported by good parlance. That is why special efforts of 3000+ hours were paid to improve my written / spoken English before sending this application to Wolfram Research, Inc. Performed all preparatory work for immediate translation of GENIUS: Richard Feynman and modern physics by James Gleick (670 pp). Read classic & modern English belles-lettres in the original (Bradbury, Stevenson, Kipling, London, Asimov, O. Henry, Wilde, Poe, Chandler, Conan Doyle). Constant reader of New York Times at Experience of interpreting guide over the Crimea. Found 600+ spelling problems in ER2200T Ectaco Russian English talking dictionary ( Immediate recognition vocabulary - 30000+ words and word combinations. POLISH, GERMAN, FRENCH Can understand mathematical texts without a dictionary ................................................................................ R E F E R E N C E S o Dr. Michael Wester Email Web Tel 505 272-0692 (daytime phone #) Author of a classic computer algebra system test suite o Albert D. Rich Email Tel 808 880-9025 (daytime phone #) Co-author of the Derive computer algebra system Author of the muLISP language o Prof. Dr. Walter Oevel Email Web Tel +49-(0)5251-60-5523 (Uni) bzw. 05251/640751 (SciFace) Fax +49-(0)5251-60-3836 (Uni) bzw. 05251/640799 (SciFace) Co-author of the MuPAD computer algebra system FB 17 -- Mathematik Universitaet Paderborn 33095 Paderborn Germany o Prof. Dr. Alexander Letichevsky Email Web Tel +380 44 266 22 78, +380 44 266 00 58 Fax +380 44 266 15 58, +380 44 266 74 18 Head of Department of Recursive Computers National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, Ukraine o Dr. Anwar Shiekh Email Former Test Development Group Supervisor, Wolfram Research, Inc. o Prof. Dr. Anatoly Svidzinsky Email Tel +380 33 22 49 001 Head of Department of Theoretical Physics Volin State University, Ukraine ................................................................................ A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N Gold medalist (GPA = 4 of 4). Working knowledge of organic/inorganic theoretical/experimental chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology & molecular genetics. Translated into Russian the Cuckoo's Egg detective novel by Clifford Stoll. Absorbing real life tale of how the author tracked German spies prowling through computers. Wrote a book of 1000+ poems up to 50 lines long each, 3 large poems up to 700 lines long each - Manuscript Out Of Which A Scrap Left, Death Of A Jazz Musician, Cargo Helicopter - and 10+ sci-fi and humorous short stories. Good planning skills. Graduated from a music school in piano. Workaholic, fond of working 14+ hours daily. Highly motivated. Reliable. Dogged. Humorous. I enjoy the challenge of competing, know how to handle formidable-looking problems and how to meet the needs of the occasion. ................................................................................ Truth is so great a thing that we ought not to despise any medium that will
conduct us to it. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, Essais ................................................................................

© 2002-2008 Cyber Tester Ltd. All rights reserved. All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.


idable-looking problems and how to meet the needs of the occasion. ................................................................................ Truth is so great a thing that we ought not to despise any medium that will
conduct us to it. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, Essais ................................................................................

© 2002-2008 Cyber Tester Ltd. All rights reserved. All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
